15 November 2011

L-O-V-E (Part II of II)

This is my attempt to start writing posts again! Therefore I'm taking the easy way out and doing mostly a photo post. I'll be witty and thought provoking soon enough.

p.s I need to redesign the blog again! COMING SOON!

Sooooo I'm going abroad in January....to FRANCE! for FIVE MONTHS! Now commencing inspiration for said event:

I have this fantasy that all of Europe looks like this....

I plan on visiting Greece during a school break!

Me, every day. Blonde! 


Nature Walks

Champagne? I'll be a legal drinker! Finally!

Wishful thinking.

Food. Wine.

When I travel, I will stay in hostels, but a girl can dream.

I will be 3 hours away from Paris, in Montpellier!

I'm in love with Macaroons. Just call me Blair Waldorf. 

OMG Shoes.


Tea. Every. Day.

Get at me, Architecture 

Art and Museums and Boys Oh MY

Note to self: TRENCH

I need a camera 

Morocco for spring break? Doable.