"You must keep your feet grounded so firmly on the earth that it's like you have four legs, instead of two. That way, you can stay in the world. But you must stop looking at the world through your head. You must look at through you heart, instead."
I have done something a little embarrassing. Ahem. I bought Eat, Pray, Love....I had a gift card to Barnes and Noble, so i figured it was basically free. And its so popular, how could I go wrong? I doubt I'll be disappointed. I was determined to find it on my own because I refused to admit to a salesperson just how cliche-girl I was being.
Well of course I couldn't find it...so I had to ask. Of course it was a man behind the counter. He was very nice and to me to go to the biography section (well who would have thought it would be there!?!). I looked and looked and I still couldn't find it so I asked yet another employee. This time it was an overweight middle-aged woman who hooked me up. She knew right where to find it. Maybe because she's a knowledgeable employee or maybe because she's a middle-aged overweight woman. I guess we'll never know.
***See that's the problem I have with books like this. It makes me think of the kind of people who read it...the same people who read depressing self-help books....the same people who watch Lifetime Original Movies and the same ones who talk about chocolate in a lusty-can't get enough-self-loathing way....The same people who are obsessed with Twilight and the same types who go to scrapbook conventions at the Mall of America. Uuughh. I realize I just described about half of the female population who are between the ages of 16 and 47 but whatever man. Picture those kinds of folks. That's what I felt like buying Eat Pray Love. I realize that that does not in any way accurately describe the books' audience but you get my idea.***
So anyway, I bought this book and while being embarrassed at conforming to a mold (that I created mind you) I was still excited to read for fun. I hear that in college you never get to read for fun anymore.....well here I am working to get in some of that leisure reading! Now, I hope to gain a bit of enlightenment and self-knowledge throughout the course of the book because that's what everyone seems to gain. Well already as you can see by the quote above...I am gaining some of that enlightenment. Its a very interesting book and while I think it frequently sounds like she is trying WAYY too hard to sound like a wise Guru....I like it so far!
-What I don't like however is the exact thing I like about it!!! It's making me think...Hence the emo-referenced title. This book is making me feel all personal and deep. I don't like to be like that with anyone let alone myself so being all questioning about my LIFE can be a little frustrating for me. I have resorted to listening to depressing music and downloading a whole BUNCH of Conor Oberst stuff which is probably not a good sign. I mean he's great, but you don't get any more emo than Conor.

in the attic of my parents' house.
And though I didn't know it then,
I soon was finding out...
You are the roots that sleep beneath my feet,
and hold the earth in place.
Each time a faucet opens,
words are spoken,
the water runs away,
and I hear your name.
No, nothing has changed.
There was this book I read and loved,
the story of a ship.
who sailed around the world and found,
that nothing else exists;
beyond his own two sails,
and wooden shell,
and what is held within.
All else is sure to pass,
we clutch and grasp,
and debate what's truly permanent.
But when the wind starts to shift,
there's no argument.
I sing and drink,
and sleep on floors,
and try hard not to be annoyed,
by all these people worrying about me.
So when I'm suffering through some awful drive,
you occasionally cross my mind.
It's my hidden hope that you are still among them.
Well are you?
Oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet,
and hold the earth in place.
each time a curtain opens,
sunlight pours in,
a lifetime melts away.
And we share a name,
on some picturesque grave.
I feel like I need some serious CHANGE people. A change I can believe in....and Obama's not gonna do it for me this time
you feel me?
-What I don't like however is the exact thing I like about it!!! It's making me think...Hence the emo-referenced title. This book is making me feel all personal and deep. I don't like to be like that with anyone let alone myself so being all questioning about my LIFE can be a little frustrating for me. I have resorted to listening to depressing music and downloading a whole BUNCH of Conor Oberst stuff which is probably not a good sign. I mean he's great, but you don't get any more emo than Conor.
This is a good one....Not as emolicious as the other ones:::
Oh You Are the Roots that Sleep Beneath my Feat and Hold the Earth in Place
I met you through a common friend,in the attic of my parents' house.
And though I didn't know it then,
I soon was finding out...
You are the roots that sleep beneath my feet,
and hold the earth in place.
Each time a faucet opens,
words are spoken,
the water runs away,
and I hear your name.
No, nothing has changed.
There was this book I read and loved,
the story of a ship.
who sailed around the world and found,
that nothing else exists;
beyond his own two sails,
and wooden shell,
and what is held within.
All else is sure to pass,
we clutch and grasp,
and debate what's truly permanent.
But when the wind starts to shift,
there's no argument.
I sing and drink,
and sleep on floors,
and try hard not to be annoyed,
by all these people worrying about me.
So when I'm suffering through some awful drive,
you occasionally cross my mind.
It's my hidden hope that you are still among them.
Well are you?
Oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet,
and hold the earth in place.
each time a curtain opens,
sunlight pours in,
a lifetime melts away.
And we share a name,
on some picturesque grave.
I feel like I need some serious CHANGE people. A change I can believe in....and Obama's not gonna do it for me this time
you feel me?
kudos to touching on the whole "self-help" books and lifetime bit