"Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way
To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on
Well. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that everyone has those quiet "hateful" moments where you say something to yourself (mentally of course) which is beyond horrible and rude and would maybe get you stabbed in real life?
i hope that's not just me...woops!
So I did this a lot as a kid, like I'd say I was a pretty jealous little girl. Now you know huh! Like everyone knows I love clothes (who doesn't?) and that def started at an early age. I remember like HATING on other little girls if they had cute clothes (especially in church)! I wouldn't even focus on mass I was so zeroed in on all the other girls' little dresses or shoes.....like that's changed? what?
So I got much less angsty as I grew up but sometimes, when in the right mood, I can be MEAN. Even though I'm the only one who hears it, I still feel bad about it. In college the insults have "sophisticated" (hardly). A couple weeks ago I felt like a girl I met a while ago was ignoring me on campus, like it seemed like she was avoiding me! I would see her a lot and I wasn't even going to go up to chat with her. but you know I would just gave her the "polite smile" and got DENIED every time. So I wont go into full detail here because I don't want you all to think any less of me then you already do...BUT the mental insults that I threw at her consisted of things like,
"I hope you fail out of college!!"
"Cute hair...maybe try some Frizz-Ease next time."
"Don't trip in your stripper heals! Oh wait, please do!!!"
OhmyGAWD I'm a horrible person. But the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
The moral of the story, is that frequently I am soo very mean about someone just to get proved wrong. I basically have reverse Karma. Like instead of bad things happening to me, I get nice things that just make me feel HORRIBLE. Because, just today who do I get a text from?? Oh don't you know! She was like "hey we haven't seen each other in a while" yadayadayada and then invited me to a keggar at her new house! So sweet right? (Well about as sweet as college acquaintances go....) Maybe she just wants her party to be a total rager and is inviting everyone she knows (probably) but I mean still!
So needless to say I feel like a walking hoe-bag and if we ever become face book friends I'll def need to delete this post!
So my New Years resolution this year is to be more "generous and charitable in spirit." It wouldn't hurt to be that way in action either....one step at a time.
I'm going to Annie's for malts for the first time EVER tonight! I feel like my U experience is coming full circle! ;) I'll tell ya how it goes...
over and out comrades.
So I did this a lot as a kid, like I'd say I was a pretty jealous little girl. Now you know huh! Like everyone knows I love clothes (who doesn't?) and that def started at an early age. I remember like HATING on other little girls if they had cute clothes (especially in church)! I wouldn't even focus on mass I was so zeroed in on all the other girls' little dresses or shoes.....like that's changed? what?
So I got much less angsty as I grew up but sometimes, when in the right mood, I can be MEAN. Even though I'm the only one who hears it, I still feel bad about it. In college the insults have "sophisticated" (hardly). A couple weeks ago I felt like a girl I met a while ago was ignoring me on campus, like it seemed like she was avoiding me! I would see her a lot and I wasn't even going to go up to chat with her. but you know I would just gave her the "polite smile" and got DENIED every time. So I wont go into full detail here because I don't want you all to think any less of me then you already do...BUT the mental insults that I threw at her consisted of things like,
"I hope you fail out of college!!"
"Cute hair...maybe try some Frizz-Ease next time."
"Don't trip in your stripper heals! Oh wait, please do!!!"
OhmyGAWD I'm a horrible person. But the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
The moral of the story, is that frequently I am soo very mean about someone just to get proved wrong. I basically have reverse Karma. Like instead of bad things happening to me, I get nice things that just make me feel HORRIBLE. Because, just today who do I get a text from?? Oh don't you know! She was like "hey we haven't seen each other in a while" yadayadayada and then invited me to a keggar at her new house! So sweet right? (Well about as sweet as college acquaintances go....) Maybe she just wants her party to be a total rager and is inviting everyone she knows (probably) but I mean still!
So needless to say I feel like a walking hoe-bag and if we ever become face book friends I'll def need to delete this post!
So my New Years resolution this year is to be more "generous and charitable in spirit." It wouldn't hurt to be that way in action either....one step at a time.
over and out comrades.
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