I don't ever remember being this excited for Thanksgiving before...EVER! I seriously can not wait to chow down. Corn and crescent ROLLS and turkey and mashed potatoes and GRAVY. Eileen Noble does Thanksgiving right people. I mean she goes allll out and I can.not.WAIT.
I think another pretty exciting facet is that 2 pretty cool dudes are coming home. I'm just excited to see some really awesome people who I've been missing you feel?
I think I'll take this time to be cheesy-McGee and say some things I'm thankful for::::
1- My family. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I think I just might have the best family on the earth and I love being a N.O.B.L.E
2- My friends. I run with a pretty neat crowd. I really dig those kids.
3- My school/education. I'm doing a paper on human trafficking and we all need to start appreciating our educations more because lord knows we could be weaving rugs in Indonesia instead
4- My country. I've never even been out of the country, but doing this research paper is definitely putting things into perspective.
5- My dog. Pretty much all dogs. Dogs are the BEST
6- Delicious fooodd which I plan to eat way tooo much of
7- For my faith
8- For MUSIC
9- For the FAFSA
10- For being a girl. I enjoy being a girl!
11- For life, love and laughter
Feeling the LOVE? I know I am!!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :)
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