....one is clearly more attainable than the other.
No, not motorcycles (not cool). I'm talking good old fashioned bicycles! I don't know what it is about these dudes! Maybe it's their cute little hats or their scruff or deliciously un-kept hair or those ultra-neat courier bags that look oh-so-efficient....I seriously can't get enough of these BOYS! My favorite little trait is the rolled pant leg(s). Don't ask why but I seriously think it is the cutest thing! Sometimes I see them walking into class with a pant leg still rolled up and my heart sings a bit. Thankfully, the U is chalk FULL of these hip hotties and I get to stare at them on the daily.
Or I should say I used to...The snow has officially set in! Now when I see people biking I just roll my eyes...Like I get it, its faster than walking. But come on! When you get to the point where you feel like goggles are needed in your daily commute, I think its time to put that little bike in storage.
I came across the coooolest pictures of "striped ice bergs" the other day and I was floored! Check check check up on these shots! I read that blue stripes are created when warmer water gets up in the ice and then freezes so quickly that the bubbles in the water don't have time to pop. And the yellow and brown stripes are created when there's more sediment then usual in the water and green is if they're filled with algae. Just a lil fun fact for you folks today!
*but first: some gorgeous winter wonderland getaways!
I'm always amazed by smokers. I saw a girl at the bus stop this morning taking these huge drags from her cigarette and gulps of her coffee held in the other. Two addictions....that lead to really bad teeth stainage. Now that we officially live in the frozen tundra, I'm even more amazed by smokers! They stand in the "designated smoking area" freezing their bootays off just to smoke! What a very inconvenient habit. AND it's so expensive! If a pack costs $5 and you smoke a pack a day....thats $35 bucks a WEEK. You could get a really great skirt for that much....I relate every purchase I make to the price of clothing. Not that I'm buying cigarettes, but its a great gauge for any purchase... "$65 bucks for concert tickets??? I could get so many shirts for that price! Or a really great dress!"
I'm sorry I'm so random.
I have more things to discuss but alas. I'm lazy and I have more important things to be doing that blabbing about my thoughts. And I'm sure you have more important things to be doing rather than reading about my thoughts! But I'm oh-so glad you do waste your time on me ;)
until next time. over and out.
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