""Where did I leave my silly bandz???""
Here's the problem that I have with shows like The Rachel Zoe Project ....They make me want clothes. Scratch that. They make me NEED clothes. I'm the worst kind of addict. I like to *think* that I have pretty good taste in clothes and a good personal style...but I never really put it into action. On campus I just walk past girls who are really expressing themselves with fashion and yet I judge judge JUDGE. I might be walking around in yoga pants and a tshirt with flipflops but that does not stop me from thinking comments like the following:
"why are you dressed up? is this a fashion show? its 8am. on a MONDAY. this is a lecture of 500 students....good job, i noticed you."
That being said, I DO however get huuuge girl crushes on amazingly-styled girls. If I have a class with an fabulously put together and fashionably unique girl....its like....Christmas. I would even go so far as to say its better than having a hot guy to stare at. I would. Usually (when the time is right...aka, at the end of the semester when I can be sure I wont have to see her everyday), I'll let her know how much I adore her look. I run the risk of sounding creepy, but I don't care - you can never go wrong with a compliment; at the very least, you'll make someone's day!
side note:
One time, I was at a funeral with my whole family and I was sitting next to my equally, fashion-conscious-bitch of a sister (all love).... and while we were waiting for the funeral to begin, we watched as grieving women and men started filtering into the church. We were grieving too (it was a terribly sad funeral) but soon we started to whisper back and forth the things we were thinking individually::
"are you kidding me? black with navy blue? nice dude."
"do you see the women in the third pew? who, in their right mind wears pink to a funeral??"
"ok thats just rude...couldn't you find anything black? or gray? for god sakes anything dark?"
"is she trying to get a date out of this? her boobs are literally hanging out."
"i'm embarrassed for them"
We simultaneously realized that we are, in fact, terrible human beings and were now probably going to hell.
Admittedly, these are horrible things to say, let alone THINK. It's something I have really tried to work on. Seriously. Its a problem I've had for a while (as you may remember this post). My a fore mentioned sister gave me a tip: You turn the negative thought into a positive - instead of scolding the individual, admire them for making such a bold outfit choice! I once read a quote where a girl said (referring to makeup in this case), "I would rather wear bold blue eyeshadow, letting people know who I am, instead of walking around looking like a big question mark"
real talk right there.
Sooo anyway. BACK to clothes.
As I've said before, all I do at my call-center job is read fashion magazines so let me tell you: I know what trends are hip hop happening and I want to get my creepy child hands on each and every one of them. The trouble? I NEVER ever EVER spend good money on clothes. Even though it is all that I want, I always decided that some other purchase is more important and that those boots, or those shirts are just toooo expensive.
*I.am.so.cheap. I will NOT buy a shirt that costs $30 BUT I'll spend almost $50 on shampoo and conditioner. What is my problem???*
The other night I went to Target with my sister (not the same one, a different one) a half hour before it closed (bad idea) and we went crazy looking at all the new stuff. Fall is THE season for fashion and Target knows what I want and what I need. In our haste we didn't waste time with fitting rooms and just tried on stuff over our clothes while running around trying to see everything. Finally a voice came over the intercom that said they were CLOSING. They actually turned off the lights while I was still looking over some sweaters which led me to legit run to where my sister was waiting to check out. The time crunch clouded my brain, allowing me to have a lapse in my normal consumer behavior, which led me to purchase two items: a skirt and a dress. My total was $59 dollars which almost gave me a heart attack, but I handed over the Visa anyway. At home, I re-tried on both items and decided the dress looked terrible and made a plan to return it.
So then the next day I returned my dress and they told me the money was back on my card. Yay. Later that day, I went to work and parked in my usual lot. After my shift, I headed over to the ATM and tried to take out the cash I needed to get out of my cash-only, $3.75 flat rate lot.
"You have insufficient funds to complete this transaction"
I tried a lower amount.
"You have insufficient funds to complete this transaction"
Oh shit.
Well I guess Target was NOT prompt with my return AND I guess all those Starbucks/Caribou charges finally got deducted. Because all I had was $1.35 in my account. (ok duh. I know it takes at least 24hours for the cash to go back into your account, but I clearly was not thinking at the time)
How does this happen?
Oh yeah because I went out on a limb and purchased clothes that cost more than 15bucks.
Fashion Fail CATHERINE.
So what do I do whenever I'm in a jam? I call my sister who once again had to bail me out of my stupidity-induced situation. I know who I'm calling with my 1 phone call if I ever get thrown in the slammer.
You know what I need? Some more damn money. I think the best idea is for me to work an extra job at some fabulous store (like JCrew AHEM) so that I can get an insane discount and pour every paycheck into my clothing addiction. Don't think I'm kidding.
Goal #42728 for this school year: Invest in versatile, staple pieces for the wardrobe that may be more expensive, but in the long run, will last longer and go with more of the existing collection.
Goal #28290: start looking nicer for classes. stop judging and start being judged *woa*
Goal #1 create a solid budget to avoid more idiot situations.
nip/tuck...im coming for you.
"I thought Rachel Zoe was just an irritating, whiny, air-head, skeleton-zombie-monster."
ReplyDeletethese were my EXACT thoughts the first time i watched RZP. great minds, catherine. great minds.