09 August 2010


First off, it has been a coon's age since I last wrote a post and for that, I apologize

To get things up and running again I want to start off with a simple, and yet provocative post. Recently, I was told about a horrendously horrible YouTube video that has been highly talked about online. Now for someone like me who was not too into The Disney Channel as a youngster (not my choosing, my parents didn't believe cable was necessary...thank god for Saturday mornings when The Lizzie Mcguire Show, Even Stevens and That's So Raven were all on regular channels or I may have died) I wasn't aware of the video. I had heard about the Cheetah Girls and loved Raven Simone but I wasn't a huge fan and didn't wear cheetah print t-shirts or anything like that.....ANYWAY so despite my lack of Cheetah knowledge I was still capable of being totally taken aback but the train wreck you are about to witness.

FIRST: refresh your knowledge of the Cheetah Girls doing what they do best (and pay close attention to the cute one in the yellow hoodie)

SECOND: Witness for yourself the very same cute-little-yellow-hoodie-Cheetah Girl, (her name is Kiely Williams for those of you who care) totally ruin any cred (Disney cred is still cred!) she had while at the same time promote drunken meaningless sex with a stranger in a low-budget, practically homemade "music video". Thumbs up Kiely for really standing up for girl-power! Warning: this is not a joke. HOT MESS

THIRD: Check out Kiely's response to the video. Is this a PSA? "Music can be as simple as a story relayed....or imagined, or elaborated on..." *GAG* "I still believe that young women should follow their dreams and stay true to themselves and their friends!" {but when that doesn't work out, being totally trashy is really your best bet....because lets be honest, dreams don't really come true anyway....so take my advice? and settle for Mr. No Name} "because it happens. a lot."

"I wrote Spectacular and made the video to bring attention to a serious women's health and safety issue. Don't shoot the messenger." ***lies lies lies. you made the video hoping for a hit and it backfired and now you're wanting the vid to be seen as a "message" *I will shoot the messenger because girlfriend did NOT give off that impression in the video.

FOURTH: Please watch as my new favorite YouTube personality deconstructs the video:

over and out.

1 comment:

  1. "first of all, NO: this video is not codoning date rape."

    okay, first of all it is. secondly, that is the most poorly produced music video i think i've ever seen. thirdly, was her date raper dead the morning after? no one lies in bed face down unless they're not breathing. fourth, this blog post is SPECTACULAR.

