08 March 2010

I am NOT a HAG!

DISCLAIMER: The term "fag" is offensive to me....it is. I don't like when people say it or use it (unless! you're European and are referring to a cigarette- in that case, please proceed!) and I don't like writing it here. BUT it must be used for this post. So if you're offended, so am I. But just know, I don't use the word! So lets all just get over it for this one little post HUH?

The other day, I was chatting with someone close to me (I wont say who). I was telling a story about a friend (who I wont name) who happens to be gay- it wasn't the point of the story but it was a factor. And this person-who-is-close-to-me says:

"Honey, do you know what a fag hag is?"
"YES I know what a fag hag is .... OH. You don't mean.... I'M NOT A FAG HAG!!!"
"Well you have a lot of gay friends!"
"Yeah well I have a lot of straight friends too! It's the theatre community!! Its not my fault! I have many straight friends too!!"
"That's fine! I believe you...I just wanted you to be aware of that term and what it means..."
"I am NOT a fag hag. In the first place, you have to be a hag to be a fag hag and I am NOT a hag...right?!?"
"No you're not a HAG!"
"I think I spend an even amount of time with gay and straight boys....and girls."
"Ok OK! I understand, I just wanted to check!"

Click Here for Urban Dictionary's Definition of Fag Hag


Needless to say, I had to check....so I asked my straight friend CJ.

"You're not a fag hag...and even if you were, it wouldn't be your fault! It's unavoidable with theatre! (so right, CJ! so right) But you're not!"


Ok. I still have my doubts, but whatever! I am NOT a fag hag! I KNOW some fag hags and I am NOT like them....Now, in the FH's defense, Grace from Will & Grace is considered to be a fag hag and I LOVE Grace....and I love Will...and I love Will & Grace (does that make me more of a fag hag?!) But you know, people have said I'm more of a Karen then a Grace, which in itself is not much better, and I don't know if I really agree, but these are fictional characters so why am I still making this comparison?!?! I'm going to get a gay guy and gay girl opinion and a straight girl opinion tonight! I'll report back.


  1. did you reach a consensus on whether or not you're a fag hag? ahaha. i wouldn't worry about it too much. people love to use labels that broadly generalize groups of people, which is why a girl with even a few gay friends is automatically considered an FH. but if that's the case, then most of my girlfriends are hags. just saying.

  2. Haha, hey now, the majority of gay people I know are not involved in theatre - and almost all the people I know doing serious theatre are not gay!
    It's those gay art majors... lol

  3. Dominic. I did reach a consensus. I was told I was looking at the term in a negative light and that I shouldn't worry about it because its a good thing considering "only ugly fags have ugly hags"(their words! not mine) lol so I just asked them not to call me one openly...and so far, they've been pretty good about respecting it haha.
