People always say, "sorry, I just threw up in my mouth"
to sarcastically express their irritation/frustration/distaste/disapproval etc etc.
but wouldn't it just be splendid to be able to actually throw up? On command? To express loudly and clearly to everyone around you how horrified and disgusted you are at some action/phrase/comment/expression or general personality of the offender? Like a truly disgusting, (preferably) projectile, make-you-wince-at-the-sound VOMIT. Gross right?
well not as gross as some people's general actions.
You know them. Those sly individuals who just creep up and leave you so frustrated you can feel your butt clench because it's painful just to be around them.
Strong words catherine. Strong words...
Fortunately, with the right, equally sly lingo, you can make up an excuse to leave and walk briskly away from them and find refuge in other individuals. But sometimes they just wont leave. They ignore your "bail-out" words and follow you. Like seriously? What is up with that? they Don't get that you are walking away? Or do they get it and just ignore it? (most likely) so they proceed to talk and walk, like what they have to say is literally so important it must we discussed on the peeve, pet peeve. And what then? You reach into your "For Emergencies Only" patience-reserve and you put up with them. Ooooorrrrr:
You could vomit all over their shoes.
Then they'd have to leave to go wipe them up, or get a new pair altogether, and then they'd miss out on all the lively conversation.....
You MUST watch this!
THOMAS! i just saw your comment!!!! Holy crap im so amazed by that! ahahahhaahh how perfect! ill include it in my next post! ahahaha lol i cant stop laughing. "hello yellow!"