29 May 2010

Unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe: Blond

Until their extinction (which will happen eventually), blonds will always be equally hated and worshiped; Worshiped for the obvious "blond stereotype" - big boobs, angelic hair, hot bods:And yet, they will always be hated as well (usually by sad brunettes, but still). Blonds are twice as likely to get made fun of for the apparent stupidity that comes with their hair color and twice as likely to be perceived as bitchy - a dumb bitch is the worst kind, just saying: Anyway. I'm not one to judge based off of looks... ok that's a lie, I did leave one beach the other day in favor of another because the previous beach "had too many trashy hoes"... But really, I'm not going to discriminate against you because of your hair color. Usually.

Last night, three of my best gal pals aka: Fab 4 went to see Sex and the City 2 it was fabulous, a total visual feast - and now I'm on a complete Middle East kick.We got all dressed up according to our specific "character" and headed out to the theatre looking outrageous, in a good way. Liz and I chose seats smack dab in the middle of a row seated behind another group of gal pals. The girls in front of us - hence forth known as "the other girls" - were older, not as dressed up as we were, and to put it mildly, lacked the sparkle and youth that our group had. Not to say these girls were old at all, they were probably seniors in college? Idk, either way they were old enough to have acquired some tact in their lifetimes.

During the previews, it is common place for patrons of the theatre to chit chat, ooh and ah at the various coming attractions and to generally get out all of the last minute chatter before the featured film begins. Well apparently the other girls didn't find this appropriate because throughout the 7 minutes of previews we were shot several "judgment glances" (as Sarah likes to call them). This is the tell-tale sign of a bitchy girl. How necessary is it to crane your neck and shoot a mean mug at the people sitting behind you? NUMEROUS times??? I'll tell you - its NOT necessary. It is ONLY necessary if the movie was already started and the "obnoxious behavior" going on behind you is consistent. I have had many moments myself where I've shot someone an evil glance OR done the polite-smile-I'm acknowledging you're obnoxious behavior- look. But several glances from about 7 different girls is a bit much, ladies. Now maybe that should have been a cue for us as a group to stop whispering or laughing etc BUT ITS THE PREVIEWS and everyone else in the theatre was doing the same thing. But our group isnt one to dwell on what other people think of us, so we said, "screw you bitchy girls" and kept on keeping on!

Well the first notes of the beginning music started and I said, "Ok guys, time to focus in!!" (and if the other girls were really paying such close attention to us, they would have heard said remark). So we all settled in our chairs ready for the movie. Well Bitchy McBitch in front of us was not going to go down without a fight. Suddenly, the blond of the group turned around to us, (She was clearly the "token bitch friend" and had probably been prodded by her cohorts to say something to us)

"OK SO! The movie is about to START?(upward inflection in a sentence that is in fact, NOT a question, denotes true stupid girl behavior) So if you could be quiet now, that would be GREAT."

We all looked at her with blank faces. I think Sarah muttered something that sounded like "Thank you" and I just looked at her gape-mouthed. With a flip of blond hair she spun back around and exchanged looks with the minion sitting next to her.


I mean, I get it - you're here with your massive group of girl friends eating your nachos, perhaps brooding over a recent break up; it can be hard when a group of younger, much better looking, more lively girls come in and ruin your "ladies night". Nothing a good boxed wine cant fix. Trashy.

We all looked at each other equal parts embarrassed and confused. Then I just lost it and could not stop laughing - silently of course, I didn't want to disturb anyone....But then I got embarrassed again. I hate being talked to like I'm a child, let alone feeling like I'm 5 years old. But I was not about to have some dumb BLOND bitch ruin my night so I thought screw you, we're fabulous! and that was that!

And at the end of the day, I would say that we enjoyed our movie-going experience far more than the other girls did. We were laughing at all the jokes, and just loving every second! They just didn't look like they were having fun at all - either they didn't like the movie OR they all just had giant sticks up their butts (probably).



  1. LOVE: "a dumb bitch is the worst kind"

    also, how rude of those girls! that type of behavior is only acceptable when the preview is of zac efron's hit new movie "charlie st. cloud," but otherwise, if you really want to focus on movie previews, there's a website called youtube.

    hope you enjoyed SATC 2. i went to the midnight showing in DC. i have no integrity left.

  2. oh we were silent during that one. so embarrassing but i totes will go see it... when did he get so cute???

  3. The girls in the pics you posted are phonies!

  4. I hate the question mark thing. SO annoying? Grr. Glad you had fun, though.
