I feel like these past 24 hours have been me=Computer Zombie. I've been in front of the computer, scrambling to get everything done. I went to bed last night (or I should say, this morning) at 5 30am after finishing my take home exam....the one I got last Monday? Yes, the very same! I ended up with a pretty bomb test if I do say so myself. They were all "short-answer" and essay questions that had to be typed responses. I finished with 6 pages of typed glory. Then I slept till 11 and woke up and started cranking out that rough draft that was due last Thursday....No worries, its not late, through a serious of convenient inconveniences, my due date is now tomorrow at 2:30. I'm still not done. But so far, its looking good.
On Friday I went to the mall with my darling friend Lizzi. We hopped on the light rail (our very first voyage using the LR system!) and in 55 light rail min, we arrived at MOA. She has introduced to me a site called
heyitsfree.net and she hooked me up with a coupon for $10 bucks off a bra and a free pantie at Victoria Secret! Now if that weren't exciting enough, she had NEVER been to VS before! NEVER. So needless to say it was a very exciting trip which we both came away from as VICTORS of Bra Land. I wont go into detail, but her purchase can be called Girlie Barbie, and mine can be called MardiGras Barbie. Now you know ;) The trip was followed by a fun, and interesting evening spent at Middlebrook.

Now, in my seemingly 24 hour period of drinking caffeine and snacking on rice cakes and popcorn (courtesy of my mama--delish) I got to thinking about my procrastination issue-while procrastinating. Can procrastinating get to a point where it is a serious problem and should be treated medically? I know many college students turn to caffeine pills or even Aderall to try to remedy their homework needs, and I've gotta say I've considered both. It's sort of scary how much I procrastinate and what lengths I got to in order to avoid my homework. I get it done, but still. I think I'm probably just trying to find an easy fix for my bad habit, but I still wonder if I've created a monster! My early New Years resolution: Break the Procrastination HABIT

In the midst of all my working and studying (not) and slaving away in front of the computer, I wanted to share two very great and very different songs that I've been listening to a lot lately.
The first song is a really pretty ballad and the lyrics are really beautiful, and
the second song has the kind of lyrics that make you smile, while think fondly on a certain type of individual in your life. I know you all have one :)
**both are credited towards my dear older sister who has such a variety in her music selection that I always seem to LOVE**
-Until we meet again-
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