Happy Halloween!!! I can't wait for tonight....I'm being a "pumpkin witch" an adorable costume I'm recycling from my older sister- cute and environmentally friendly!
Man oh man I suppose its been a long time since I last posted....This past week was very busy. Fun, but busy.
Lizi and I went to the Guthrie (Lizi is such a prominent character in this blog!) on Tuesday night and then went back to her parents condo to sleep....they have this bed, I must find out what kind it is, because it is the single most comfortable bed I have ever had the pleasure of laying my head upon. Like a cloud. But better.
Needless to say, we slept in. Which was nice, but then we didn't get on the bus we were supposed to (I'll blame the sleep, and not our lack of direction, which was the real culprit). So we went to Caribou to do homework and wait for the next one. It was a very female-populated Caribou! One of the women was reading a book called "The Truth about Love." I felt a little embarrassed that I could see what she was reading. She wasn't trying to hide it or anything, but just knowing what she was reading made me feel so sorry for her. Of course it is unfair and presumptuous of me to assume things about her....but come on! She had apparently just come from yoga and brought in some Subway to eat with her coffee. She was probably 30 at the latest and wasn't married. And suddenly, I just had a huge desire to NEVER be like her.
She was pretty enough, and obviously cool enough to go to CorePower Yoga in downtown Minneapolis.... I just hate the idea of feeling like you need to read books about "how to find your soul mate" or "how you'll know when he's the ONE"....self-help books scare me. And "The Truth About Love" doesn't sound helpful or appealing! Like what was she gaining from that book? Is it the truth about why you don't need love? How to find love? Determining the right love? ???? BAH! I just felt kind of sorry for her...which again, is totally unjustified, she could have a boyfriend for all I know. But it just got me thinking about the future. If you ever see me reading a self-help book about love, smack me.
Liz and Michaella and I went to Grand with a girl from our High school last night, it was a lot of fun. She's still a Sophomore there and she's a bit quiet and shy, but so darling and sweet. We took her to Cafe Latte for cake and coffee and just had a really fun "girly" time with her! After, we went into a boutique called Karma. They had some hats in the window and Liz and I have been needing some hats, so we went in......MYLANTA so cuuute. And fun, and I loved it! All of us wanted to buy everything in there. But we went in needing hats. Well Liz and I both found our hats. They were both pretty pricey. Mine was about twice the price of hers....and it killed me a little to buy it. But it will last me FOREVER (or at least, that's what I keep telling myself) and if I divide the price by the number of times I'll wear it plus the years I plan to wear it- it over and beyond is worth every penny. I've wanted a hat like this for as long as I can remember, plus I can wear it with my formal coat, my leather jacket, and my parka. SUCCESS

This is the picture I sent to my mom muahaha. I've been telling everyone about this damn hat
I watched Donnie Darko last night. My mind has been blown. So scary, confusing, trippy, disturbing, funny, and sad. A real cult classic folks!
Happy Halloween ladies and Ghouls..... ha ha ha.... I crack myself UUP
Over and out.