I just took the Harry Potter Sorting Hat quiz...the REAL Sorting Hat quiz. I didnt try to get Gryffindor, it just happened. What can I say? the Sorting Hat has spoken.
Try it......
A Running Commentary on All Things College According to Me: A Junior Navigating the World of Post-Secondary Education...Abroad
26 February 2010
21 February 2010
no dawn, no day. im always in this twilight.
I listen to music constantly during the day, and while I admittedly have song ADD, there are some songs that simply must be listened to all the way through. And repeated. Over and over and over again. And they never get old! Sometimes when I hear a new song I get obsessed, and I decided then and there that no song could be better. Perhaps equal, but never better. And consequently I usually find a song shortly there after that I deem better than all the rest. This week I have been listening to Florence & The Machine a lot. I had some of her/their stuff already so I downloaded more.....And its what I've listened to ALL WEEK.
This one is above and beyond my favorite. And is probably (tentatively) the best song in the universe.
The lyrics are just TOO beautiful. The beat is outstanding. The chorus is catchy. Lets just say it makes the sun shine in my heart. I give you, Cosmic Love.
A falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes
I screamed aloud, as it tore through them, and now it's left me blind
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart
And in the dark, I can hear your heartbeat
I tried to find the sound
But then it stopped, and I was in the darkness,
So darkness I became
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart
I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map
And knew that somehow I could find my way back
Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too
So I stayed in the darkness with you
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart
(and lets just say it. the cover concept of this album is gorgeous.)
Happy happy Weekend.
This one is above and beyond my favorite. And is probably (tentatively) the best song in the universe.
The lyrics are just TOO beautiful. The beat is outstanding. The chorus is catchy. Lets just say it makes the sun shine in my heart. I give you, Cosmic Love.
A falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes
I screamed aloud, as it tore through them, and now it's left me blind
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart
And in the dark, I can hear your heartbeat
I tried to find the sound
But then it stopped, and I was in the darkness,
So darkness I became
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart
I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map
And knew that somehow I could find my way back
Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too
So I stayed in the darkness with you
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart
(and lets just say it. the cover concept of this album is gorgeous.)
Happy happy Weekend.
12 February 2010
you are my sweetest downfall

I love love. I mean I reeeaaaalllly love all this Valentines day crap. Yes its a Hallmark holiday and Yes its all about pink and red and chocolates and flowers etc.
But I love it.
Maybe all the extra love I have for all things wedding has overflowed, and its out-lit is Vday. Probably...But MAN, hearing about Vday plans or helping people choose what to do for their sweeties is my favorite. In high school, my brother would always ask us (4 sisters) what to do for his girlfriend, or how to ask someone to a dance etc and not to say he couldn't do it on his own, because he could (probably) but our ideas were pretty fabulous. Once - I don't remember the occasion, prom or Vday or an anniversary idk- he got her 7 different little gifts and had them given to her for each class throughout the day. And then the last class, he gave the gift to her himself. Huge aww factor.
That's what I love most, the aww factor. love love love it.
Right now, the blogs I follow are going crazy with Vday stuff and I couldn't resist incorporating some of their stuff into my post....more pictures! Try and tell me these aren't the SWEETEST
like romantic gestures, red lips should be used year round, not just saved for Valentines!

I think every girl could use a modern-day Mr. Darcy.

*The same women who writes Kiss the Groom, Elizabeth Messina is a photographer, and her portfolios are stunning. Check them out for some wedding-photo bliss HERE
*While 500 Days of Summer isn't the best Vday movie, it is fabulous. This scene is hilarious but lets be honest, it perfectly illustrates how you feel sometimes, especially this weekend....Love love love.
However, if you are looking for a movie that will make you laugh and cry while throwing you tons of cinematic glory I must recommend Paris Je T'aime. One of my most favorite movies. It kept me thinking (and smiling) for days. LOVE IT
Aaaaand one of my favorite 'Love' Songs...beautiful video too.
Some of you may be feeling a little blue. Experiencing a recent break up, or having no significant other during this time of year can be tough.... BUT I've got something for you too. A little E, P, L wisdom from Elizabeth Gilbert... we haven't had some of that in a while HUH?
"Big deal, so you fell in love with someone. Don't you see what happened? This person touched a place in your heart deeper than you thought you were capable of reaching...But that love you felt, that's just the beginning. You just got a taste of love. That's just the limited little rinky-dinky mortal love. Wait till you see how much more deeply you can love than that. Heck- you have the capacity to someday love the whole world. It's your destiny. Don't laugh."
"But... but I seriously believed he was my soul mate."
"He probably was, but you dont understand what that means. People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave. And thank God for it. {A soul mate's} purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you had to transform your life.”
Happy Valentine's Day :)
10 February 2010
Porn=Purchasing Frenzy. What?
Do you ever get in a mood where you just NEED to buy something??? Well I DO. I was sitting in my Gender Women Sexual Studies class today and we were debating about porn. Racial porn, gay porn, woman's porn you name it, Professor Jigna brought it up. and showed some slides with examples of said pornography. Well maybe I was uncomfortable and I let myself get distracted or perhaps my mind was triggered by the discussion, who knows! But i suddenly turned to my friend CJ and said. "CJ. Have you ever had the intense urge and need to purchase something???"
"Oh sure, all the time! What do you want to buy?"
"Lots of things, everything! CLOTHES."
"Well lets go shopping!"
"I don't have any money."
"Who says you need money? he he he"
evil. evil.
this past weekend I went to the mall with my sister and I didn't buy anything! Well I did, but it was with an old gift card, so it was basically free, and that doesn't count. Anyway, the point is, it was QUITE the struggle to see so many beautiful things and not be able to buy any of them...at the time, I told her (my sister) that it was a good exercise in self-control. But i was dying a little inside, lets be honest.
Urban Outfitters is the WORST for window shopping, everything is crazy ridiculous expensive anyway, so you cant afford it even if you DID have money, but myylanta I want to own everything in that damn store.
Thankfully, I have my blog where I can put into words and pictures all that I desire.....
My tentative wish-list (full of things that I cant really afford ever) is as follows::
1. A pair of GREEN Hunter rubber boots. They retail for about $112, but i found some on eBay for between $40 and $80....HOLLER
Here they are from my trip to MOA....I was creeping hard on these boots.

2. A pair of Platform pumps. preferably Black. These shouldn't be so hard to get, Target etc has plenty of them. The trick is to get a pair that looks polished and fashionable without looking like a stripper. Its a fine line that I am willing to walk...in a pair of these. This example is a touch close to stripper level....
These ones are from Forever 21 and are oh-so adorable and perfect for spring.
I also love the new cut-out styles, especially in fun colors! These are also from Forever21 and are only $13 bucks!!! My kinda deal....

3. A trench coat....Man oh man. Now that I go to school where walking outdoors throughout the day is crucial, so is the right outdoor gear. And a great spring trench coat would do my commute well.
This one is DKNY, I dont need a designer one really, but this one is practically perfect!

This one is GAP

4. A pair of denim shorts. These are both from American Eagle

5. A military themed blazer/jacket. AND a fatigue-type jacket.
This one is Forver21
This one is JCrew. I love the Safari-photo journalist look. AHHhhhhhh

6. A Longchamp Le Pliage Tote bag. My friend Sarah had one of these in highschool (in mint green, her parents brought it back for her from Paris...i tell ya!) and I would just like to credit her for having it long before any of these college girls! They are practical and classic and go with everything and just plain lovely!

7. A denim jacket. I like jackets a lot...if you couldn't tell. This one is also from American Eagle.

8. Black canvas Converse hi-tops. Every time I'm about to buy a pair I find some other thing I "need" more. I don't care if everyone and their grandma owns a pair of these, I want them, and have wanted them for fooorrreeevvverrrr.

9. Any top with "ethnic"/"tribal" detailing- studs, beads, any embellishment
this one is Urban Outfitters
all of these are from Urban....if you couldnt tell by their pissed off-looking models...
~ "flutter dress" - anything that has layers, or frills--anything that adds movement to a frock

~a cut-out back dress....so fabulous!!

~ a crazy patterned dress with a wild print.

Aaaaand I'll keep it at 10 for now! That's my wish list....if you know of a wealthy benefactor who would like to fund my wardrobe wishes, you let me know!!
Sorry for all this fashion talk. Wait, no. I'm not sorry. Its my blog I'll do what i want! What I meant was, sooner then later I'll have a post with something a little more substantial in it....maybe something to do with L.O.V.E ???? oooh la la.
Stay Tuned....
"Oh sure, all the time! What do you want to buy?"
"Lots of things, everything! CLOTHES."
"Well lets go shopping!"
"I don't have any money."
"Who says you need money? he he he"
evil. evil.
this past weekend I went to the mall with my sister and I didn't buy anything! Well I did, but it was with an old gift card, so it was basically free, and that doesn't count. Anyway, the point is, it was QUITE the struggle to see so many beautiful things and not be able to buy any of them...at the time, I told her (my sister) that it was a good exercise in self-control. But i was dying a little inside, lets be honest.
Urban Outfitters is the WORST for window shopping, everything is crazy ridiculous expensive anyway, so you cant afford it even if you DID have money, but myylanta I want to own everything in that damn store.
Thankfully, I have my blog where I can put into words and pictures all that I desire.....
My tentative wish-list (full of things that I cant really afford ever) is as follows::
1. A pair of GREEN Hunter rubber boots. They retail for about $112, but i found some on eBay for between $40 and $80....HOLLER
Here they are from my trip to MOA....I was creeping hard on these boots.

2. A pair of Platform pumps. preferably Black. These shouldn't be so hard to get, Target etc has plenty of them. The trick is to get a pair that looks polished and fashionable without looking like a stripper. Its a fine line that I am willing to walk...in a pair of these. This example is a touch close to stripper level....

These ones are from Forever 21 and are oh-so adorable and perfect for spring.

I also love the new cut-out styles, especially in fun colors! These are also from Forever21 and are only $13 bucks!!! My kinda deal....

3. A trench coat....Man oh man. Now that I go to school where walking outdoors throughout the day is crucial, so is the right outdoor gear. And a great spring trench coat would do my commute well.
This one is DKNY, I dont need a designer one really, but this one is practically perfect!

This one is GAP

4. A pair of denim shorts. These are both from American Eagle

5. A military themed blazer/jacket. AND a fatigue-type jacket.
This one is Forver21

6. A Longchamp Le Pliage Tote bag. My friend Sarah had one of these in highschool (in mint green, her parents brought it back for her from Paris...i tell ya!) and I would just like to credit her for having it long before any of these college girls! They are practical and classic and go with everything and just plain lovely!

7. A denim jacket. I like jackets a lot...if you couldn't tell. This one is also from American Eagle.

8. Black canvas Converse hi-tops. Every time I'm about to buy a pair I find some other thing I "need" more. I don't care if everyone and their grandma owns a pair of these, I want them, and have wanted them for fooorrreeevvverrrr.

9. Any top with "ethnic"/"tribal" detailing- studs, beads, any embellishment
this one is Urban Outfitters

all of these are from Urban....if you couldnt tell by their pissed off-looking models...
~ "flutter dress" - anything that has layers, or frills--anything that adds movement to a frock

~a cut-out back dress....so fabulous!!

~ a crazy patterned dress with a wild print.

Aaaaand I'll keep it at 10 for now! That's my wish list....if you know of a wealthy benefactor who would like to fund my wardrobe wishes, you let me know!!
Sorry for all this fashion talk. Wait, no. I'm not sorry. Its my blog I'll do what i want! What I meant was, sooner then later I'll have a post with something a little more substantial in it....maybe something to do with L.O.V.E ???? oooh la la.
Stay Tuned....
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